Make-A-Wish® Massachusetts and Rhode Island creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. Together with generous supporters and 500+ volunteers, the organization has granted the wishes of over 10,000 children in Massachusetts and Rhode Island in its 40-year history. A wish can be a spark that helps a child believe anything is possible. In the face of life-threatening medical conditions, wishes enable children to experience profound joy, renewed strength and resiliency, and lasting hope to keep striving and dreaming for the future.
Each year in our two-state territory, approximately 500 children are newly diagnosed with a critical illness and become eligible for a wish. Childhood is upended and in the midst of the fear and uncertainty, a wish fulfilled—whether a wish to have, a wish to be, a wish to go, a wish to meet, or a wish to give back—is an integral part of a child's medical journey. (Visit to be inspired by some of our wish children’s stories.)
A 2022 survey of physicians, parents, and wish recipients found that the wish experience profoundly impacted overall patient and family well-being. Of those surveyed:
- 94% of parents saw their child’s emotional well-being improve through the wish experience
- 91% of parents believe the wish experience is a necessary part of a child’s treatment journey
- 95% of wish recipients felt more hopeful for their future after their wish
- 92% of wish recipients said their wish brought their family closer together
- 98% of medical providers said the wish experience has a positive impact on a child’s physical well-being
A wish delivers an empowering and life-affirming experience, and the transformative power of a wish impact not just the child and their family but also everyone involved in the wish. Our vision is to grant the wish of every medically eligible child in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. As a member of Team Make-A-Wish for the 128th Boston Marathon, you will provide vital support to ensure we reach every eligible child who needs the hope, strength, and joy of a wish.
Apply to join Team Make-A-Wish today by emailing Mariama Sano at or by clicking the Lean More link below.
Officially qualified runners who are already entered in the 128th Boston Marathon and wish to raise funds for Make-A-Wish Massachusetts and Rhode Island may still do so using the Learn More button below.