The B.A.A. does not implement security policies. Anything you attempt to bring into a secured area, despite descriptions below, is subject to the discretion of law enforcement officials.


Allowable Items
  • A one-gallon clear plastic bag to carry food items or sports drink only. This bag is subject to search. (only one clear plastic bag pack per runner). This clear, one-gallon plastic bag will be allowed on the official buses to Hopkinton. This bag will be provided in your participant packet, or you may use your own one gallon bag.
  • Waist pack (no larger than 5 inches x 15 inches x 5 inches) to carry food, nutritional products, medicine, identification, cell phone, home/hotel key or other similar and necessary small items (only one waist pack per runner). 
  • Standard manufactured “fuel belt” (bottles must be one liter or smaller). 
  • Armband, which can carry a cellular phone or small camera. 
  • The use of headphones is discouraged but permitted.
  • Additional layers of clothing may be worn on B.A.A. Shuttle Buses and in Hopkinton for warmth before the race.
  • Clothing that will not be worn during the race must be discarded in Hopkinton and will be donated to a local charitable organization.
Prohibited Items
  • Personal hydration system products (such as CamelBak®, Thor®, etc). 
  • Weight vests or any sort of vest with pockets or water bladders.
  • Guns, knives, or any item that may be used as a weapon.  
  • Backpacks, any similar item carried over the shoulder, or handbags of any size. 
  • Props (including sporting equipment, military and fire/gear and signs or flags* larger than 11 inches x 17 inches). 
  • Glass containers. 
  • Any container capable of carrying more than one liter of liquid. 
  • The use of selfie sticks or similar items is prohibited while running the Boston Marathon. 
  • Strollers, including baby strollers. 
  • Suitcases & rolling bags. 
  • Costumes covering the face or any non-form fitting, bulky outfits extending beyond the perimeter of the body. 
  • Any item larger than 5 inches x 15 inches x 5 inches. 
  • Folding chairs.

*Note - Flags cannot be on a pole longer than 15 inches in length 

Action Cameras
  • The B.A.A. discourages the wearing of action cameras such as GoPros while running in the Boston Marathon. 
  • Any footage of the Boston Marathon captured by entrants or spectators is for personal use only. 
  • Personal use shall mean non-commercial use of such footage only. 
  • Any Boston Marathon footage for personal use shall not include any distribution for such purpose as to charge money, collect fees, or receive any form of remuneration. 
  • The Boston Marathon footage for personal use shall not be used in advertising and shall not be resold, relicensed, or sub-licensed. 
  • The Boston Athletic Association will not be liable for any third-party claims or incidental, consequential or other damages arising out of this personal use of Boston Marathon footage. 
  • Any Boston Marathon footage cannot violate rights held by existing B.A.A. sponsors and/or partners, including any footage captured for personal use that is posted to social media or any video hosting platform.
  • The use of "selfie" sticks or similar items is prohibited while running the Boston Marathon.
  • Any individual found to be in violation of Boston Marathon footage policies will be subject to payment of licensing fees and potential disqualification.