261 Fearless |
Edith Zuschmann |
ezuschmann@261fearless.org |
The 3Point Foundation, Inc. |
Monta Connolly |
monta@go3point.org |
50 Legs |
Carmen G Acabbo |
carmenacabbo@verizon.net |
A Leg Forever Foundation |
Liz Norden |
alegforever@gmail.com |
Abby Mac Foundation |
Greg MacCurtain |
abbymacfoundation@gmail.com |
Achilles International - Boston |
Kelly O'Brien |
kobrien@achillesinternational.org |
The ALS Association |
Paul Seaver |
paul.seaver@als.org |
Alzheimer's Association MA/NH Chapter |
Charlene Bemis |
cbemis@alz.org |
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - MA Chapter |
Jessica van der Stad |
jvanderstad@afsp.org |
American Liver Foundation |
Sarah Miller
Caroline Brickle |
Cbrickle@liverfoundation.org |
American Red Cross |
Samantha M Delaney |
samantha.delaney@redcross.org |
Back On My Feet |
Courtney Totten |
BoMFFundRacing@backonmyfeet.org |
Bay Cove Human Services, Inc. |
Brian Teague |
development@baycove.org |
Bay State Games |
Kevin Cummings |
kevin@baystategames.org |
Best Buddies Massachusetts & Rhode Island |
Kelly O'Callaghan |
kellyocallaghan@bestbuddies.org |
Beth Israel Lahey Health |
Team BILH |
marathon@bilh.org |
Big Sister Association of Greater Boston |
Michelle Dixon |
mdixon@bigsister.org |
The Bill Belichick Foundation |
Susan Hurley |
Susan@CharityTeams.com |
Black Girls RUN! Foundation |
Jay Ell Alexander |
info@blackgirlsrun.com |
The Born to Run Foundation, Inc. |
Judy Lambert |
theborntorunfoundation@outlook.com |
Boston Athletic Academy Inc. |
Jose Diaz |
jose@baaboston.org |
Boston Athletic Association |
Tandy Bryant |
tbryant@baa.org |
Boston Bruins Foundation |
Tommy Comparato |
tcomparato@bostonbruins.com |
The Boston Bulldogs Running Club |
Meaghan Langlois |
meaghan@bostonbulldogsrunning.org |
Boston Celtics Shamrock Foundation |
Ariann Williams |
awilliams@celtics.com |
Boston Children's Hospital |
Contact BCH |
run@chtrust.org |
Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, Inc. |
Jennie Kim |
events@bcnc.net |
Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program |
Colleen Eagan |
ceagan@bhchp.org |
Boston MedFlight |
Shawn Cote |
shawn.cote@bostonmedflight.org |
Boston Medical Center |
Lorraine Sousa |
lorraine.sousa@bmc.org |
The Boston Police Foundation, Inc. |
Jake Dodge
Meagan Wood |
meagan@fmpproductions.com |
Boston Scores |
Kenzie Bins |
kenzie@bostonscores.org |
Boston Theater Company |
Joey Frangieh |
joey@bostontheater.org |
Bottom Line |
Carlos Perrett |
MADevelopment@BottomLine.org |
Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence |
Paul Grand Pré |
pgrandpre@lawrencebgc.com |
Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston |
Julie LeBlanc |
jleblanc@bgcb.org |
Boys & Girls Clubs of Dorchester |
Hailey Cummings |
hcummings@bgcdorchester.org |
Brain Aneurysm Foundation |
Susie Frost |
susie@bafound.org |
Breakthrough T1D, Formerly JDRF |
Annamaria Lukes |
alukes@breakthrought1d.org |
Brigham and Women's Hospital |
Ali Wheeler |
marathonteam@bwh.harvard.edu |
Brittany Fund for Trauma And Recovery |
Brittany Loring |
brittanyl@gmail.com |
The Cam Neely Foundation |
Andrew Osofsky |
aosofsky@camneelyfoundation.org |
Camp Casco |
Erin Stern
Susan Hurley |
susan@CharityTeams.com |
Camp Harbor View Foundation |
Elizabeth Donohue |
edonohue@campharborview.org |
Camp Shriver at UMass Boston |
Barbara Gildea |
barbara.gildea@umb.edu |
Cardinal Cushing Centers |
Laurie A Maranian |
lmaranian@cushingcenters.org |
Caring for a Cure |
Molly Higgins |
mhiggins5@mgb.org |
Casa Myrna Vasquez, Inc. |
Kharmara Pinckney |
kpinckney@casamyrna.org |
Cathleen Stone Island Outward Bound School |
Emma Levy |
elevy@cathleenstoneisland.org |
The Children's Room |
Kim Cayer |
kim@childrensroom.org |
Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation |
Kelly Lamb |
klamb@reeve.org |
Colins Joy Project Inc. |
Kerri McGrath |
kerri@colinsjoyproject.org |
Community Rowing, Inc. |
Julia Bissell |
marathon@communityrowing.org |
Cops For Kids with Cancer, Inc. |
Mary Coulter-Bennett |
marytcb@yahoo.com |
Corey C. Griffin Foundation |
Alli Macina |
alli@coreycgriffinfoundation.org |
Cradles to Crayons |
Tiffany Roca |
troca@cradlestocrayons.org |
CYCLE Kids Inc. |
Carolyn Bailey |
cbailey@cyclekids.org |
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute |
Contact DFCI |
dfmc@dfci.harvard.edu |
Dave McGillivray Finish Strong Foundation |
Susan Hurley |
susan@CharityTeams.com |
David Ortiz Children's Fund |
Susan Hurley |
susan@CharityTeams.com |
DetecTogether |
Susan Hurley |
susan@CharityTeams.com |
The Dimock Center |
Jocelyn Gilman |
jgilman@dimock.org |
Doc Wayne Youth Services |
Anna Villarreal |
avillarreal@docwayne.org |
Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism |
Contact Flutie Foundation |
dougiesteam@flutiefoundation.org |
Dream Big! |
Linda Driscoll |
ldriscoll@dream-big.org |
Ellie Fund |
Kathleen Wynters |
kathy@elliefund.org |
Esplanade Association |
Aly Reid |
areid@esplanade.org |
Every Mother Counts |
Krista Rider |
teamemc@everymothercounts.org |
Expect Miracles Foundation |
Delaney DeAvila |
ddeavila@expectmiraclesfoundation.org |
Family Reach |
Taylor Ribaudo |
tribaudo@familyreach.org |
FamilyAid Boston |
Joe Cain |
joec@familyaidboston.org |
Fast Feet Running and Athletics, Inc. |
Samantha Laserson
Suzie Clinchy |
suzie@fastfeetnyc.com |
Fenway Health |
Joanne Felci |
development@fenwayhealth.org |
Fisher House Boston |
Abigail DeLuca |
abigail@fisherhouseboston.org |
Franciscan Children's Hospital |
Molly Gouthro |
MGouthro@franciscanchildrens.org |
Girls on the Run Greater Boston |
Kate Yenrick |
kate.yenrick@girlsontherun.org |
Golf Fights Cancer |
Cheryl McGuire |
cheryl@golffightscancer.org |
Good Sports |
Greyson Avots |
gavots@goodsports.org |
The Greater Boston Food Bank, Inc. |
Lynnae Terrill |
lterrill@gbfb.org |
Gronk Nation Youth Foundation |
Susan Hurley |
susan@CharityTeams.com |
Hale Education, Inc. |
Jocelyn Bergeron |
jbergeron@hale.education |
Healthworks Community Fitness |
Gibbs Saunders |
gsaunders@healthworkscommunityfitness.org |
The Heather Abbott Foundation |
Contact HAF |
info@heatherabbottfoundation.org |
Herren Project |
Pam Rickard |
pam@herrenproject.org |
The Home for Little Wanderers |
Chris Cardwell |
ccardwell@thehome.org |
Homes For Our Troops |
Krista Nanigian |
knanigian@hfotusa.org |
HomeStart, Inc |
Carrie Neff |
neff@homestart.org |
Horizons for Homeless Children |
Katherine Delaney Rodriguez |
kdelaneyrodriguez@horizonschildren.org |
House of Possibilities |
Lisa Capone |
l.capone@houseofpossibilities.org |
The Hoyt Foundation |
Russ Hoyt |
russ@teamhoyt.com |
IMPACT Melanoma |
Theresa Malcolm |
tmalcolm@impactmelanoma.org |
In My Running Shoes |
Dawn Schottlandt |
info@inmyrunningshoes.org |
InnerCity Weightlifting |
Ian Kilpatrick |
iank@innercityweightlifting.org |
The James Gang |
Lauren Anderson |
thejamesgangrunners@gmail.com |
Joe Andruzzi Foundation |
Gillian O'Brien |
gillian@joeandruzzifoundation.org |
John M. Barry Boys & Girls Club of Newton |
Julie Lima |
jlima@newtonbgc.com |
Journey Forward |
Susan Hurley |
susan@CharityTeams.com |
The Kita Center |
Sydney Mosher |
smosher@campkita.com |
Krystle Campbell Memorial Fund |
Contact KCMF |
26.2forkcmf@gmail.com |
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society |
Contact LLS |
TeamInTraining@lls.org |
Light Foundation |
Mauryanne Remondini |
mauryanne@mattlight72.com |
Lingzi Foundation |
Meghan Zaremba |
mzaremba@princelobel.com |
Make-A-Wish Massachusetts and Rhode Island |
Mariame Sano |
communityevents@massri.wish.org |
Mass Eye and Ear |
Stacy Kelly |
stacy_kelly@meei.harvard.edu |
Mass Mentoring Partnership |
Hannah St. Laurent |
hstlaurent@massmentors.org |
Massachusetts Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired |
Cooper Gould |
cgould@mabcommunity.org |
Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress |
Reaghan Bik |
rbik@mdsc.org |
Massachusetts General Hospital |
Contact MGH |
mghmarathon@mgh.harvard.edu |
Matt Brown Foundation |
Susan Hurley & Matt Brown |
matt@mattbrownfoundation.org |
The McCourt Foundation |
Kelsey Pavetto |
kelsey@mccourtfoundation.org |
McLean Hospital |
Contact McLean |
mcleandevelopment@mgb.org |
MEB Foundation |
Susan Hurley |
susan@CharityTeams.com |
MetroWest YMCA |
Ashley Place |
ashleyplace@metrowestymca.org |
The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research |
Katie Casamassina |
kcasamassina@michaeljfox.org |
The Michael Lisnow Respite Center |
Minds Matter Boston |
Meredith Traquina |
meredith.traquina@mindsmatterboston.org |
The Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation |
Suzie Brashler |
teammanager@themmrf.org |
Muscular Dystrophy Association |
Angelica Peck |
apeck@mdausa.org |
National Braille Press |
Joe Quintanilla |
jquintanilla@nbp.org |
National Multiple Sclerosis Society |
Shannon Feeney |
shannon.feeney@nmss.org |
National Ovarian Cancer Coalition: MA Chapter |
Vanda Soldati |
vsoldati@ovarian.org |
New England Center and Home for Veterans |
Nicole Hand |
nicole.hand@nechv.org |
The New England Center for Children |
Kimberly Ruscitti |
kruscitti@necc.org |
New England Patriots Charitable Foundation, Inc. |
Susan Hurley |
susan@CharityTeams.com |
Newton-Wellesley Hospital |
Robin Dziedzic |
rdziedzic@mgb.org |
Next Step |
Jacey Gonzalez |
jacey@nextstepnet.org |
Officer Sean A Collier Memorial Fund, Inc. |
Joseph Rogers |
jrogers@jrogerslawoffice.com |
One Mission |
Megan Glasco |
megan@onemission.org |
One Summit Inc. |
Dianne Lynch
Ali Lamson |
ali@onesummit.org |
One World Strong Foundation |
Susan Hurley |
Susan@CharityTeams.com |
Pine Street Inn |
Scottie Wait |
swait@pinestreetinn.org |
The Play Ball Foundation |
Katie Small |
ksmall@playballfoundation.org |
Include U: The Play Brigade |
Barbara Gildea
Dawn Oates |
dawn@playbrigade.com |
The Progeria Research Foundation |
Jennifer Gillespie |
jgillespie@progeriaresearch.org |
Project Hope Boston |
Maureen C Pompeo |
maureenpo@aol.com |
Project Purple |
Vin Kampf |
vin@projectpurple.org |
Rebekah's Angels Foundation |
Tiffany Willis |
tiffany@rebekahsangels.org |
Red Sox Foundation |
Contact RSF |
redsoxfoundation@redsox.com |
The ReM.A.R.C.able Foundation Network |
Marc A Fucarile |
marc@marcnetwork.world |
Ronald McDonald House Charities of New England |
Ellen Simmons |
esimmons@rmhcne.org |
Rosie's Place |
Olivia Davis Wilson |
odaviswilson@rosiesplace.org |
Roxbury Community College Foundation |
Susan Hurley |
susan@CharityTeams.com |
Samaritans, Inc. |
Mackenzie Morse |
mmorse@samaritanshope.org |
Semper Fi & America's Fund |
Christine Ingraham |
christine.ingraham@thefund.org |
SG United Foundation |
Lani Silversides |
lani@sgunitedfoundation.org |
Silver Lining Mentoring |
Jim Ricciuti |
jim@silverliningmentoring.org |
South Boston Neighborhood House |
Susan Hurley |
susan@CharityTeams.com |
South Shore Health (South Shore Hospital, Inc.) |
Abby Kiefer |
akiefer@southshorehealth.org |
Spaulding Rehabilitation |
Amanda Leigh Shuman
Reesa Morabito |
rmorabito@mgb.org |
Special Olympics Massachusetts |
Petra Chelala |
Petra.Chelala@SpecialOlympicsMA.org |
Spoonfuls |
Contact Spoonfuls |
events@spoonfuls.org |
The Sports Museum |
Rachel Locke |
rlocke@sportsmuseum.org |
Sportsmen's Tennis & Enrichment Center |
Mary Long |
mlong@sportsmenstennis.org |
Squashbusters |
Becca Latimore |
r.latimore@squashbusters.org |
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital |
Siobhan Dunn |
siobhan.dunn@alsac.stjude.org |
The Steve Fund |
Theron McInnis |
theron@stevefund.org |
Stride for Stride |
Tom OKeefe |
tom@strideforstride.com |
TargetCancer Foundation |
Samantha Sullivan |
samantha@targetcancerfoundation.org |
Genevieve Rogan |
grogan@teamimpact.org |
Tedy's Team |
Elizabeth Tirrell |
elizabeth@tedysteam.org |
Tenacity, Inc. |
Lauren Doty |
laurendoty@tenacity.org |
Trinity Boston Connects |
Fiona Kelly |
fkelly@trinityconnects.org |
Tufts Medical Center |
Krissy Talevi
Amy Fisher |
runbossmgt@gmail.com |
Tufts University, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy |
Donald Megerle |
donald.megerle@tufts.edu |
UMass Chan Medical School Foundation |
Kim Canty |
kim.canty@umassmed.edu |
United Service Organizations Incorporated (USO) |
Jennifer Thompson |
jethompson@uso.org |
Vanessa T. Marcotte Foundation |
Kristen Dreyer |
kdreyer@vtmf.org |
Walker, Inc. |
Emma Levy |
elevy@walkercares.org |
The Webb Norden Foundation |
Jacqui Webb |
jacqui_webb@yahoo.com |
West End House Boys & Girls Club |
Caleb Tansey |
ctansey@westendhouse.org |
Women's Lunch Place |
Sarah Vilnit |
sarah@womenslunchplace.org |
World Central Kitchen |
Ragan Auxter |
ragan@wck.org |
YMCA of Greater Boston |
Beki Margalit |
bmargalit@ymcaboston.org |
Youth Enrichment Services (YES) |
Jamie Burch |